SNMH Cancer Center Journal Club
Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital
Physicians Break Room, Building 3
Journal clubs are a longstanding tradition in residency training, dating back to William Osler in 1875. The original goal of the journal club in Osler's day was to share expensive texts and to review literature as a group. Over time, the goals of journal clubs have evolved to include discussion and review of current literature and development of skills for evaluating medical literature. The ultimate goal of a journal club is to improve patient care by incorporating evidence into practice.

SNMH Cancer Center Journal Club
When: 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM (Held the third Wednesday, Quarterly in a year)
Where: Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital (Physician's Break Room, Building 3)
Who: Coordinator, Ms. Lynnette Love
Via Zoom:
Note: Please RSVP to 274-6883 prior to the scheduled date if attending in person.
High Impact Schedule - MOST READ ARTICLES of 2022-2023
Dec 06, 2023: Cannabis Use in Patients with Cancer: A Clinical Review, JCO '22
Jan 10, 2024: SRT-100 Vision
Feb 07, 2024: The CureRays Cancer Clinic
Jun 19, 2024: Clinical indications of Superficial Radiation Therapy
and CureRays Elite Cancer Survivorship Program
Clayton Hess MD MPH
Clayton Hess MD MPH
Clayton Hess MD MPH
Clayton Hess MD MPH